Zverograd - Mythos Forces
Since the Vrill containment field under the old monastery failed in June, the skies over Zverograd has been swarming with terrifying flying creatures named Mi-Gos. While they have abated and seem to operate mostly by night now, the various blocs are unwilling to risk their valuable air resources to re-take the skies. Getting supplies into Zverograd is now purely by land or sea, even those aren’t safe. Mythos cultists have been streaming into the city by the hundreds, some say thousands, most carrying weapons outdated even before the war started. What they lack in quality, they make up in quantity and fervour. The laws of physics do not work as expected in parts of Zverograd. Stories abound of flying carpets and grotesque man-eating monsters that roam the ruins. What are the plans of the various Mythos cults? Why are they congregating in the doomed city? To what end?
The chitinous shell of the Mi-Go prove to be tougher than initially thought.
Mi-Go Assault and Attack Squad gain Structural Save.
The Avatars
Unlike the other Blocs, the Avatars are summoned by eldritch (ancient technology) means and the Vehicles restrictions do not apply to them. But beware… the dimensional energies are unstable and they might phase out when you least expect or worse…
Mythos Will of Cthulhu Platoon
Many are those who seek to join us, they shall go forth and prove their faith by a baptism of fire!
When fielding this Platoon, you may add a Cultist Fire Squad OR Mi-Go Assault Squad as a Support Unit for free, i.e. at 0AP.
Ours is the True God
Mythos forces can always choose to fight each other. The corrupters of the true faith are worse than the unseeing!
Hero Archetypes
Here is the list of Heroes you may choose as your commander (if it is the command unit of your Core Platoon) or add to your army list. Remember to rename them for the stories! If a Hero is not on the list, you would have to request for it from HQ. Of course in the case of the Mythos, you are not forming a platoon or even a company. Choose a grandiose sounding name for whatever your organisation is!
- Ekaterina and Sabertooth
- Farouk The Turk
- Lilith
- Nadir
- Nadir (flying)
- Rasputin